3 min readMay 31, 2020


Monad technology also known as Imperium line miner keep on scamming their customers.
For customers who wish to have their Imperium in the Monad Tech mine, they will charge you $ 117 for maintenance and electricity according to them at 1300 watts , while for Trb (tellor) the bitstream spends only 800 watts and Hns (handshake) 550 watts, at 0.09 kWh.
They have just relocated their mine to China where electricity does not cost more than 0.03 kWh in any case that is what other companies ask, therefore 117 dollars per month + 239 dollars for the simple installation of Tellor or Oxbtc Bitstreams while others companies do it for free.
You will have to pay also 15% you mine at the so-called third party developer. Multminer nor Hashaltcoin have third party developers and they still have to pay some developers to create bitstreams.
The same regime is applied for Trb or Oxbtc Bitstream, finally with an Imperium V2 (the most powerful miners of Monad technology) you will get a hashrate of about 6–7 GH / S for Trb or 30 GH/S for Oxbtc, you will be able to loose around 40 dollars per month.
Monad technology have not finished taking out their weapons to empty pockets of their customers … Also think that if you want to receive your Fpga at home, impossible to mine Oxbtc or Tellor you will have to adapt to Ckb which has a daily reward of 0.15 Cens with Fpga now Asic are in the market.
They disagree send you bitstreams of the third party developer, they do not tell you why?It’s obvious, because in their farm they can keep on stealing you money…
If you really want to mine with Fpga we strongly recommend the company Multminer who are about to put on the market for the price of 1800 dollars the Multminer M2 and C4 (Cpu mining)with a hashrate for Trb for example of 19 GH/S, it changes relatively the deal and electricity is taxed 0.03 kWh. The right price…

Monad Technology are proud not have been touched by the Covid 19. That’s why the miners went offline for 2 months and their customers received a ton of messages reporting Covid 19 as an excuse.
Finally you know where you invest your money, but if you want to spend 2500 dollars + monthly charges for a machine with very low efficiency being presented as the revolution in the Fpga field having barely only 3–4 bitstreams, (in comparison Hashaltcoin have about fifteen), if you wish to pay more than you actually mine make right now a contract with Monad which guarantees you will get Roi after 4 months. These are only force ads to get more clients…
I can promise you, you will only have to extend the money and in return absolutely 0?

To see an innovative & trustfull site in the mining of small tokens…

You will certainly be treated much better … But I’m totally sure Monad is about to fall really soon…

Respectfully (A Monad & Multminer customer)




Written by MYCRYPTO

Trading Btc in 2010 first exchange “Virwox”, 2013 Coinbase open I buy 88 BTC, account got frozen without notice, Don't ever forget"Not your key, not your coins"

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